What is atmospheres or considerable
Conductance of an electrolytic solution is also influenced by the temperature. On raising the temperature by 1°C, conductance increases by 2 to 2.5% which is due to reduced hydration of ions and lower viscosity of solutions.
Pressure has no noticeable effect on conductance. Large increase in pressure will cause a considerable fall in conductance. On raising the pressure to 2000
atmospheres, the electro conductance of acetic acid falls to 0.6% of its original value.
Conductance of a solution plays an important part in the industrial application of electrolysis since it determines to a considerable degree the consumptions of energy in the electrolytic process. Electro-conductivity determinations find extensive use in the control laboratory. Thus the salt contents in various solutions on vaporization of water (for example, in boiler water or on condensing milk) is determined from conductivity measurements.
Electrolysis : As described under the ionization theory, a solution of an electrclyte contains oppositely charged ions. When noelectric current is passing, the ions are wandering randomly about in the solution. When electric current is passed through the electrolytic solution, movement of the ions towards their opposite eleetrodes takes place where they are eventually discharged. "The movemcnt of anions and cations towards thcir respective electrodes accompanying all chemical changes in an electrolytic solution under the influence of electric current is known as electrolytic conduction of electrolysis”.
Electrolysis is performed in what is called an electrolytic cell (see figure 7.4). The essential parts of an electrolytic cell are the positive and negative electrodes which are connected to a source of electricity. The positive electrode is termed an anode and the negative electrode is as cathode. Whether the anode iS positive or negative depends upon the definition. The definition we will follow is “The anode is the electrode at which oxidation occurs; the cathode is the electrode where reduction occurs”. In electrolytic cell as shown in the diagram anode is positive and cathode is negative. However, in electrochemical or galvanic cell such as battery, the anode is negative and the cathode is positive. The electric current flows into and outof the solution via electrodes. Conventially. the current (flow of electrons) enters the cell at cathode and leaves at anode.