What is conitinity

 he ablity to do work, According to the law of thermodynamics be transformed from one form into another but can never be created or dso) re

In al processes of Ife, such as growth, development and reproduction thera, of energy, without this fow of energy continuity of fe stops and ecosystem ig q, 9 ln an ecosystem all the living organisms are linked together, because they at fram each other. In all ecosystems the main source of energy is SUN. This ener, \ by green plants in photosynthesis to prepare food material. This plant food is ui herbivore animals and in the next step camivores eat herbivores, in this wa Brergy occurs from sun to plants, from plants to herbivores and from herpj ‘ Camivores. From their body the energy is released in air in the form of heat, Thy 

flow of eneray. 

Sun —> Plants —» Herbivores —p» Camivores —> air 

Food Chain (Flow of energy) 

Energy is obtained from the sun in the form of light or radiant energy, y | reaches at the earth, itis transferred into heat energy. A part of this energy is sey green plants and they convert it into chemical energy. This energy is presentis the of molecules. The chemical energy is then changed into mechanical energy when j 

utilized in various functions of the body 

When the energy is changed from one form to another, a part of it is lost P Obtain sunlight for photosynthesis, some light is used in the process and some partis, in the form of heat. The plant energy is taken by animals. In the body of animals a qq amount of this energy is converted into heat, and its less amount remains in the He protoplasm in the form of chemical energy. In this manner in every step when ener, 

Migrates from one body to another body, a part of itis liberated out. 

Example: (i) Let us consider that one square meter of an ecosystem receives 3000 caloney 

of light energy. (ii) Half of this energy (1500 calories) is absorbed by autotrophic plants. 

(ii) About 4 to 5% of this energy is used to form food material, (iv) About 15 to 75 calorias are transferred to the consumers of various levels. 


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