Ahen So the estraining force is zero
Conclusion: The apparent weight force gives the impression of weight lessness, A satellite is an 'artificial moon is the spacecraft that moves round the carth in an orbit. It is used for meteorological, military or communication purposes Derivation: Consider a space vehicle in an orbit around the carth
Let mass of the satellite Lei velocity of the sateliite V Let orbital radius Let acceleration (centripetal) of the satellite= a =a, Let mass of a block suspende in the satellite= M, and its weight, W = Mg. Let tension in the thread The forces acting on the block are: Weight (W), acting vertically downward (towards the center of the earth). Tension (T), opposite to the weight. Ms (i) Earth MV2 Centripetal force (Fe = towards the centre of
(11) the crbit (i.e centre of the earth).
The centripetal force, Fe, is provided by the net force (W-T) of the weight and tension, i.e. W-f srbit Apparent weight, T = W-F WMV2 apparent weight, T = Mg- MV2 Consider : Weight of the satellite
Centripetal force Putting eq (2) in (1), we have Conclusion: The tension in tne string is zero. The absence of the restraining force B impression of 'wesion of weightlessness. All objects in a space-ship are weightless with respect to the astronaut in it,
ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY: the Describe how can artificial gravity be produced in a space craft
space craft To an astronaut, weightlessness in a satellite (or space craft) is highly inconvenient. To overcome this problem, artificial gravity can be created by spinning the space-craft around its own axis. If the frequency of rotation is prope, centripetal acceleration equals the acceleration due to gravity[9/12, 11:50 PM] mama jan: ahen So the estraining force is zero
Conclusion: The apparent weight of the body is zero, although the fonce of graity s ser appon the body. 1his is called "weigthlessness
WEIGHTLESSNESS IN SATELLITE: Discuss weightiessness in a satellite. Ans: Weight a body in s frame of reference is equal but opposite to the force tha prevents it from falling in that relerence frame, The absence of this restraining force gives the impression of weight lessness, A satellite is an 'artificial moon is the spacecraft that moves round the carth in an orbit. It is used for meteorological, military or communication purposes Derivation: Consider a space vehicle in an orbit around the carth
Let mass of the satellite Lei velocity of the sateliite V Let orbital radius Let acceleration (centripetal) of the satellite= a =a, Let mass of a block suspende in the satellite= M, and its weight, W = Mg. Let tension in the thread The forces acting on the block are: Weight (W), acting vertically downward (towards the center of the earth). Tension (T), opposite to the weight. Ms (i) Earth MV2 Centripetal force (Fe = towards the centre of
(11) the crbit (i.e centre of the earth).
The centripetal force, Fe, is provided by the net force (W-T) of the weight and tension, i.e. W-f srbit Apparent weight, T = W-F WMV2 apparent weight, T = Mg- MV2 Consider the satellite itself
[9/12, 11:55 PM] mama jan: Weight of the satellite
Centripetal force Putting eq (2) in (1), we have Conclusion: The tension in tne string is zero. The absence of the restraining force B impression of 'wesion of weightlessness. All objects in a space-ship are weightless with respect to the astronaut in it,
RTIFICIAL GRAVITY: the Describe how can artificial gravity be produced in a space craft
space craft To an astronaut, weightlessness in a satellite (or space craft) is highly inconvenient. To overcome this problem, artificial gravity can be created by spinning the space-craft around its own axis. If the frequency of rotation is prope, centripetal acceleration equals the acceleration due to gravity Derivation: Considera space-craft consisting of two chambers, connected by a tunnel. Let half of the tunnel -length Let time for one revolution Let frequency of revolution Now, centripetal acceleration,
ac If angular velocity is y, then V =Ro. Hence (Ro) Derivation: Considera space-craft consisting of two chambers, connected by a tunnel. Let half of the tunnel -length Let time for one revolution Let frequency of revolution Now, centripetal acceleration,
ac If angular velocity is y, then V =Ro. Hence (Ro)