Constribution of Mulsim scientist (theory)
Recent investigations have revealed the important contribution of the Mushm
he Middle Ages to the development of scientists thought and the scientific met 0
hcontribution which the Muslim world has made 1n the various branches of sets
served as the bass for the development of modern science.
(1) Ibn al Hassan ibn-al-Haitham was born in 965 A.D. in Basrah. Later he we ent
to Egypt. He was one of the m0st eminent physicists ol the Middle Ages. He is the
propounder of modern optiCs.
His remarkable book "Kitab al-Manazir (Book on Optics) 1s One of the leading
classics or optics. This nmagnum opus of Ibn al-Haitham influenced scientific thought for
more than six centuries. His books are more than 200. His books on physics and
mathematics are 15 in number.
Tbn al-Haitham's important contribution 1s the development of scientific
methodology. He explained reflection and refraction of light. e made research on
spherical and parabolic mirrors, lens and their aberrations, dioptrics, eye and vision
camera obscure, optical illusions, comets, rainbow, twilight, the Milky Way, etc.
He made contributions in at least seven subjects of science: mathematics, optics,
anatomy, physiology, psychology, meteorology and cosmology. He has been considered
as the Father of Modern Optics.
Abu Raihan al-Biruni was born in 973 A.D. in Kheva. He was a versatile genius
He contributed profoundly in ph/sics, mathematics, astrononmy, medicine, geography and
history. He was contemporary ot lbn-e-Sina.
He wasa prolific wrifer. He wrote more than 150 books. He was associated with
the court of Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi. He travelled all over India during a period of 20
years. On his return from India, he wrote his encylocpaedic work.AL-Qanun al-Masudi
which discussed several problems of geometry (called Albirunic problems) and also
discussed trigonometric theorems of planetary motions.
Al-Biruni determined the densities of 18 different stones and metals. he diseussed
ne rotation of the earth and gåve correct values of logitudes and latitudes. He expressed
hat speed of light is immense but finite
f-Biruni was a great scholar. He is known as Vidya Sagar' (Sea of KnowIedge
1e 1s considered as one of the greatest scientists of all times.