Constribution of newton & Einstein (phy)


Q1.3. Describe the contributions of Newton and Einstein in Physics.

Newton and Einstein in Physics.

) Sir Issac Newton was an English physicist. He is regarded as the greates

scientis7 of all time. He was a born genius.

mechanics, light, astronomy, acoustics, and calculus

He worked in all fields of science, g.

Fis epoch making book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Maihematica (The

Mathematical Principle of Natural Philosophy), published in 1687, is a leading classic.

The book is divided into three parts or books in Book One, Newton presented laws of

motion. Book Two deals with fluid mechanics. In Book Three, he applied the principles

of dvnamics and gravitation to the mechanism of the universe. This book is the basis of

modern scientific thought.

Albert Einsteim was a German theoretical physicist. He was a master mind. In


1905, he presented the Special Theory ofRelativity. This theory presented newcercept of

space, time force, mass and energy. The General Theory of Relativity was enunciated in

1916. This theory deals with accelerated motion, gravitation and with the notion of

expanding universe.

In his late years, Einstein worked on the unification of the four basic forces of

nature, Viz., the gravitational force, the electromagnetic force, the strong force (nuclear

force) and the weak force. He could not fetch any success in his Unified Field Theory. In

1967, Dr. Abdus Salam and Weinberg showed that the electromagnetism and the weak

force can be understood as the two different aspects of the same force, called electroweak

force. Also we require Grand Unified Theory (GUT) and Supergravity to unify the three

basic forces of nature, viz the electroweak force, the nuclear force and the gravitat onal



Q1.4. Describe the relation of Islam and Science. (OR) Describe the

Contributions of the lslamic World in Science.

Ans: slam stresses the Muslims on the acquisition of knowledge and developing the

spirit of enquiry. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said: "Seek for knowledge

even to go to China. Another Hadith stresses that the urge of knowledge is obligatory on

every Muslim man and Women

A great deal of emphasis has been laid in the Holy Qur'an on the need for

observation of physical phenomena and on reflection.

application of this knowledge brought with it the amazing strides in scierce taking during

the gieat era of Islamic c.vilization

From the very beginning, Islam directed people to cultivate science. The

Prophet Muhammad (5.A. W.) They translated ancient books, Sct up laboratone and

Jnitiated research.

The Muslims were inspired by the Qur' anic verses and teachings of the Holy


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