Impact of physics


dvnamtc role 1n the evolution of seience in the Middle Ages. However, when the

Muslims deviated from the vista set by the Our'an and Shariah, the lost their giory and

grandeuE 1S a miserable condition that presently the Islanic world is devoid of

scientitic urge and research. In fact, no dedicated effort or planning has been made by

any Islanie country to provoke scientific research.

Among the eminent and world reputed scientists of Pakıstan, one may 1nclude DE

Saleem-uz-Zaman Siddiquid, Prof. Dr. Ata-ur-Rehman, Noble Laureate Dr. Abdus Salanm

and nuclear scientists Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan.


0 Elaborate the impact of physics on human society

The development in science, in general and physics, in particular, made a great

impact On our sOCiety. T'he consequences of new discoveries are far-reacling and

affecting every aspects of our life.

Prehistoric investigations reveal that cave man knew how to find food, to plant

seed and to use his crafted tools to hunt and survive. His life came to depend on hs

ability to understand and control his surroundings that is, science.

The Greeks and the Muslims contributed to science in many ways. With the

advent of the lndustrial Revoluuion, progress from the spectacul ar inventions was very

significant. The heat engine (of George Stephenson), the flying machines (of Wright

brothers) the electric light, the factories, the telephone and telegraph and automatic

machines changed the human civilization.

In this age, man has conquered space. He is exploring the depth of the oceans.

Now time has shrunk and distances have shriveled. The use of wireless, televisions,

radar, air-conditioner, telephones, fax, video cassette, compact disc, micro-wave oven, jet

planes, reactor, 1nternal combustion engine, satellite, rocket, laser, sky-scrapers and

computer have made our life move comfortable and meaning ful.

Intelligent use of Physics in the field of medicine (e.g. transplantation of heart, anti-

biotics, nuclear medicine, NMR scanning, etc.) in industry (viz. mechanization and

automation), in agriculture (e.g. use of tractors, fertilizers and radioisotopes) and in

Communications (e.g. use of satelite and optical fiore) have accelerated the pace of


Physics is a demanding subject in terms of its wide range of applications


 What are the three systems of Unit? Describe Sl The three systems of measurements are given below:


The metric system of centimeter-gram-second (CGS) system:


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