Wernier calipers


Wernier Calipers)

What Is the objeet of your experiment?

Determination of volume of the give solid cylinder and capacity of the given hollow cylind

using vemier callipers.

2: What are precision instruments?

Vernier callipers, micrometer screw gauge and spherometer are called precision instruments

These can measure length accurately upto a faction of millimeter.

What is a sliding callipers?


It is a vermier callipers which is a size measuring instrument for small objects upto 0.01cm 

th of a cm) or even smaller. 

Why is a vernier callipers s0 called?

It is so called after the name of its inventor Pierre Paul Vernier, a French technician, in 1630.

What is the principle of a verier callipers?

It is constructed by subdividing a length of 9 main scale di visions into 10 equal parts. Thus, the

Size of one vemier div. = 1o M.S div.

What is least count?

The smallest reading that can be taken form an instrument is called its least count.

What is the least count (L.C.) of a vernier callipers?

Least count is the difference of I main scale (M.S.) division and one vernier scale (V.S.) divi-

Value of one M.S. div.

LCTotal no. of divisions V.S.


0) For 10 V.S. div, LC 10 = 0.01cm


(ii) For 20 V.S. div, L.C, = 0= 0.05 mm = 0.005 cm

Name important parts of a vernier callipers.

Main scale, vemier scale, lower jaws (outside jaws), upper jaws (inside jaws), locking screw and

depth gauge (strip).

What is the use of the sliding strip?

The sliding bar is

used to measure the depth of a ho!low cylinder or test tube. Culture lovely

What is the unit of vernier scale?

It has no unit. It is given in divisions.

Draw a graph in physics40 P a ge

Bota ny

Air pore

Upper epidermis

- Partition 

Marchantia T. S. of thallus.

S. of Marchantia Thallus

The Thallus can be distinguished into upper assil.aaatory and lower storage region.

The cells of assimilatory region possess chloroplast and hence prepare food.

The upper epidermis consists of a single layer of cell and possesses air pores.

ach air pore consists of four rows of cells.

elow the upper epidermis are assimilatory chambers which communicate with o

mosphere through pores.

similatory chambers prosses assimilatory filaments.

low the assimilatory chambers are parenchymatous cells of storage region.

cells of storage region contain starch garins.

er epidermis consists of single layer of cells, without chloroplast.

rhizoids arise from lower epidermis, they are unicellular and of two types 1e. S

ed and tuberculated.

cellular scales also arise from lower epidermis.


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