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#Botany topic What is EXTREMER ENVIRONMENTS The abiotic factors like light, water temperature, soil etc make the climate of an area. Wherever these climatic factors are optimum, plenty of life f September 11, 2021 Share
#Botany topic What is Evolution roll Concept of evolution. r Role of variations in evolution. fSalient features of Lamarckism. - Salient Features of Darwinism. — Evidences in support of E September 11, 2021 Share
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#Physics topic What is Class- Mammalia The word mammatia is demved from a latin word which means having mammary glands. They are evoived from reptiles called therapsids and they are conside September 10, 2021 Share
#Physics topic What is Phylum and its type Ce animals of this phylum are found in fresh or marine water. {Very few are terrestrial. This phylum includes Slugs, Oysters, Clams and Squids. Slugs September 10, 2021 Share
#Physics topic What is Enzym clan hyllokoid membrane These molecules transfer this energy to ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) and other energy carrier molecules. These are diffused into st September 10, 2021 Share
#Chemistry topic What is chromoplasts and types Chiorophyill and are found in parts exposed to light and occur in great number in green leaves. They manufacture food material in the presence of sunl September 10, 2021 Share
#Chemistry topic Organic molecules and formation hese molecules are usually produced in the body of living organisms, but can also be synthetized in the laboratory also. There are two types of molecu September 10, 2021 Share
#Chemistry topic What is Biological molecules BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES introduction of Biochemistry: Biochemistry is a branch of biology, which deals with the study of chemical processes in the body o September 10, 2021 Share
#Chemistry topic What is atmospheres or considerable Conductance of an electrolytic solution is also influenced by the temperature. On raising the temperature by 1°C, conductance increases by 2 to 2.5% w September 10, 2021 Share
#Chemistry topic What is concentater NCING OXIDATION-REDUCTION EQUATIONS ELECTRON METHOD) In this method of balancing the redox equations, only those reactants and products are balanced th September 10, 2021 Share
#Biology topic What is Cooliqura MOLE AND AVOGADRO'S NUMBER fa routine chemical probiems, it is necessary w consider quantities of substances in terms of the number of atoms or ion September 10, 2021 Share
#Biology topic What is konsumintur Electrolysis is performed in what is called an electrolytic cell (see figure 7.4). The essential parts of an electrolytic cell are the positive and ne September 10, 2021 Share