Amphoteric Any substance which produces ions in solution is an electrolyte. All the acids, bases and salts wnduce ions in solution and they also conduct electric March 25, 2023 Share
Occean current What type of quantity is occo cean currer t SCalar nor vector. It 1s not a physical quantity. what is force force 1s the physical On as nhysical agency th March 25, 2023 Share
Mgnetic materials Temporary magnets are those which become very sirong magnets quickiy and loose it as soon as the magnetizing force is removed. Soft iron and alloys of March 25, 2023 Share
Wernier calipers Wernier Calipers) What Is the objeet of your experiment? Determination of volume of the give solid cylinder and capacity of the given hollow cylind using March 25, 2023 Share
Glass Slab shaving mi.rorS in the reflecting telescope, microscope and headlamps of automobiles ake-up or reflectors in oroducing laser light: proo ht and spot light. March 25, 2023 Share
Critical angle The angle of prism (111) 1he index of refraction of the material of the prism and (iv) Wavelength of the light. What is the angle of minimum deviation? T March 25, 2023 Share
Magnetic axis Why do magnetic axis .we take one-fourth of the time period of the bar as the time of fall? Because the bo the bob travels the vertical distance in the s March 25, 2023 Share
Impact of physics dvnamtc role 1n the evolution of seience in the Middle Ages. However, when the Muslims deviated from the vista set by the Our'an and Shariah, the l March 25, 2023 Share
Telescope ÇA compound microscope must posses high power of gathering lightPe (i) large field of view (i) high resolving power, and correction for aberrations: (iv) TELE March 25, 2023 Share
Compound Microscope A microscope isS used to incregse the visual angle of the images of the objects O very small size. The magnifying power can be increased by using two l March 25, 2023 Share
Radius (rangu) V-R Puting eq. (4) and (6) in (5), we get g/G xR 4/3 Tt R 3g 47t RG (7) Calculations: 3x 9.8 Average density of earth, p = 4x 3.14 x 6.37 x 10° x 6.6 March 25, 2023 Share
Constribution of Mulsim scientist (theory) Recent investigations have revealed the important contribution of the Mushm he Middle Ages to the development of scientists thought and the scientific March 25, 2023 Share
Constribution of newton & Einstein (phy) Q1.3. Describe the contributions of Newton and Einstein in Physics. Newton and Einstein in Physics. ) Sir Issac Newton was an English physicist. He is r March 25, 2023 Share
Acceleration (momentum) 19. A , body hurry in a freely falling elevator, drops a ball. He will observe that the ball: (a) falls with an acceleration equal to 'g moves up w March 25, 2023 Share
ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY Ahen So the estraining force is zero Conclusion: The apparent weight force gives the impression of weight lessness, A satellite is an 'artificial m March 25, 2023 Share
Weightlessness (varitaion of weight) required to hold an object from the restraining force which gives the impression of welg WEIGHTLESSNESS IN AN ELEVATOR An elevator is a non-inertial March 25, 2023 Share
Deceease in 'g' with Depth : distanCC( apat. gravitational strength. Gravity is the special case gravitation. If one body is the earth, then th attractiob between the earth an 3. he for March 25, 2023 Share
Gravitation (Acclerarion) A is distanCC( apat. gravitational strength. Gravity is the special case gravitation. If one body is the earth, then th attractiob between the earth an 3. h March 25, 2023 Share
Universal gravitation Universal gravity : For a rotating body of masS m, the apparent weignt, y lf rotation of the eårth ceases, the weight of the slightly. Not a doubt he i March 25, 2023 Share
Mass of earth : edoubled, then "gubleled, theren 'g w uld also be doubled. In fact "G in the universal gravitation constant. So even if the value of g ch March 25, 2023 Share
Mass of moon Gravitation Mass of moon First Year LAW OF GRAVITATION: Q.5: Elaborate the application of Newton's law of gravitation. Ans: Newton used his theory o March 25, 2023 Share
Law of gravitation (material) Ans: According to the law of gravitation: The force of attraction between two material bodies is directiy proportional to the product their masses (m a March 25, 2023 Share